Our lunch time menu is provided by Taylor Shaw Caterers and is prepared and cooked fresh in our school kitchen each day. Our menus operate on a three week rota. We encourage our parents and carers to talk to their child each morning about their choice of school dinner. Children choose either a red, purple, yellow or green meal when the teacher takes the morning register.
To order school dinners for your child, this can be done via your child's sQuid account. sQuid is our online payment system used in school. https://portal.squidcard.com/LoginPortal/
Taylor Shaw
https://taylorshaw.com/ - Taylor Shaw is our catering company in school. Taylor Shaw is a leading catering specialist in education backed by world class resources.
Children are welcome to bring a packed lunch but we ask that parents follow the guidance produced by Sheffield City Council and try to provide their child with a healthy packed lunch. Please see the guidance below.
Sheffield Eat Smart Packed Lunch Guidance