Online Safety at Bradfield Dungworth

School Online Safety Rules

This is how we stay safe when we use computers:

  • I will ask a teacher / an adult if I want to use the computer
  • I will only use activities that the teacher /an adult has told or allowed me to use.
  • I will take care of the computer and other equipment
  • I will ask for help from the teacher / an adult if I am not sure what to do or if I think I have done something wrong.
  • I will not change any of the settings on the computer or tablet.
  • I will tell the teacher / an adult if I see something that upsets me on the screen.
  • I understand that the school will monitor what I look at on the internet.
  • I know that if I break the rules I might not be allowed to use a computer.

Click here to see our KS1 Acceptable Use Policy

Click here to see our KS2 Acceptable Use Policy

Using the internet can be fun and also help with your learning.

However, it is vital that you stay safe when using the internet and new technology.

There is a lot of useful advice for children and parents / carers at the following sites:

This guide features what children do online, the threat of online strangers and how to ensure a healthy balance between Internet use, your children’s online privacy, digital security, and more on online safety to mention.

Here’s the link -

How to limit screen usage  

Online Pornography - Facts and Advice

Online Sexual Harrassment

When and what should I report to the police?

National Online Safety Guidance

This site has some excellent parent guides to help you understand the apps and games your child may request. Please see some samples here that we have already sent out to parents / carers.

Parents guide to WhatsApp

Parents Guide to Momo

Have a look at the resources for parents here:
