Staff at Bradfield Dungworth

Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead and Curriculum Lead
Mr L. Mitchell
Assistant Headteacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C. Dawson 
Fawn Class Teacher and Deputy Safeguarding Lead (Reception/Y1)
Miss A. Cooper 
Hedgehog Class Teacher (Y2)
Mrs C. Dawson and Mrs K. Flewitt (member of SLT)
Squirrel Class Teacher (Y3/4)
Miss E. Davison (SENDCo and member of SLT)
Owl Class teacher (Y4/5)
Miss R. Smith
Fox Class Teacher (Y6)
Mr A. Beagle
Higher Level Teaching Assistant and PPA cover
Miss H. Willis
Teaching Assistants
Mrs C. Benson
Mrs S. Cooper 
Miss O. Goss
Miss F. Couldwell
Visiting Teachers
Ms R. Green (Recorders and Woodwind)
Administration Staff
Mrs J. Hall
Mrs E. Richmond
Supervisory Assistants
Mr P. Bamford
Mrs J. Duncan
Mrs L. Fletcher
Ms C. Gregory
Mrs A. MacLachlan
Kitchen Staff
Mrs E. Fryatt
Mrs A. Hall 
Buildings Supervisor
Mr J Miles
Ms J Woodward