Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education at Bradfield Dungworth

‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand, so that we may fear less.’ - Marie Curie 

RSHE Key Intentions

About our PSHE Curriculum

At Bradfield Dungworth Primary School, we want our children to be kind, caring, well rounded individuals, who show respect for, and an understanding of, the lifestyles, choices and beliefs of others. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education/Citizenship) and RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education), are central to this vision.

We aim for our children to know how to be safe, in the world and online, build and maintain healthy and positive relationships, be emotionally and physically healthy and respect equality and diversity in all its forms.

We encourage our children to question the world around them, develop age appropriate independence and show care and support for their local community and the world beyond this, to be thoughtful and empathetic citizens.

We teach PSHE and RSHE in discrete sessions, but it is embedded in other subjects within the wider curriculum where diversity, respect and inclusion are celebrated and taught.

About our Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum

As a part of your child’s educational experience at Bradfield Dungworth Primary School, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
The Department for Education has made changes to relationships and sex education following nationwide consultation which came into effect from September 2020 and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements. The statutory guidance can be found at:

The  guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships.
Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up will give children and young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and help them take responsibility for their own well-being.
Consequently, from September 2020, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, will be statutory, and form part of the National Curriculum.

We have reviewed our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and disabilities

As part of this process, the school decided to use the  Learn Sheffield RSE curriculum. Sheffield has established a partnership RSE Task Group to work collaboratively and consultatively to produce a curriculum and recommended resources, for all Key Stages in all Sheffield schools.

The Sheffield RSE Task Group believes that all children and young people have the right to high quality, holistic, evidence based, age appropriate Relationships and Sex Education to enable them to make positive relationships and to keep safe. The group believes that good Relationships and Sex Education should deliver equal and positively inclusive education in relation to gender, sexual orientation, class, disability, race, ethnicity, culture, age, religion and belief.

The RSE Task Group consulted with faith leaders, SACRE (the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) and representatives of parents’ groups across the city.

Membership of Sheffield RSE Task Group:

  • Sheffield City Council
  • Learn Sheffield
  • SAYiT – Supporting LGBT+ young people and young people’s sexual health
  • CRESST – Conflict Resolution Skills Training
  • MESH – Mediation Sheffield
  • NHS (Sexual Health Sheffield)
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • University of Sheffield
  • Sheffield Sexpression
  • Faith Star
  • Sheffield School Nursing
  • DECSY (Development Education Centre South Yorkshire)

Our Maths coverage is considered carefully each year to ensure breadth and depth for learners. Our coverage is as follows:

RSE Policy


Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education at Bradfield Dungworth

‘Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand, so that we may fear less.’ - Marie Curie 

RSHE Key Intentions

About our PSHE Curriculum

At Bradfield Dungworth Primary School, we want our children to be kind, caring, well rounded individuals, who show respect for, and an understanding of, the lifestyles, choices and beliefs of others. PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education/Citizenship) and RSHE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education), are central to this vision.

We aim for our children to know how to be safe, in the world and online, build and maintain healthy and positive relationships, be emotionally and physically healthy and respect equality and diversity in all its forms.

We encourage our children to question the world around them, develop age appropriate independence and show care and support for their local community and the world beyond this, to be thoughtful and empathetic citizens.

We teach PSHE and RSHE in discrete sessions, but it is embedded in other subjects within the wider curriculum where diversity, respect and inclusion are celebrated and taught.

About our Relationship and Sex Education Curriculum

As a part of your child’s educational experience at Bradfield Dungworth Primary School, we aim to promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive taught programme of Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education that gives children and young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives, both now and in the future.
The Department for Education has made changes to relationships and sex education following nationwide consultation which came into effect from September 2020 and all schools are required to comply with the updated requirements. The statutory guidance can be found at:

The  guidance focuses on healthy relationships and keeping children safe in the modern world. It also covers a wide range of topics relating to physical and mental health, wellbeing, safeguarding and healthy relationships.
Learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up will give children and young people the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships and help them take responsibility for their own well-being.
Consequently, from September 2020, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), along with Health Education, will be statutory, and form part of the National Curriculum.

We have reviewed our RSE curriculum and policy so we can be sure our RSE provision is appropriate for our pupils based on their:

  • Age
  • Physical and emotional maturity
  • Religious and cultural backgrounds
  • Special educational needs and disabilities

As part of this process, the school decided to use the  Learn Sheffield RSE curriculum. Sheffield has established a partnership RSE Task Group to work collaboratively and consultatively to produce a curriculum and recommended resources, for all Key Stages in all Sheffield schools.

The Sheffield RSE Task Group believes that all children and young people have the right to high quality, holistic, evidence based, age appropriate Relationships and Sex Education to enable them to make positive relationships and to keep safe. The group believes that good Relationships and Sex Education should deliver equal and positively inclusive education in relation to gender, sexual orientation, class, disability, race, ethnicity, culture, age, religion and belief.

The RSE Task Group consulted with faith leaders, SACRE (the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) and representatives of parents’ groups across the city.

Membership of Sheffield RSE Task Group:

  • Sheffield City Council
  • Learn Sheffield
  • SAYiT – Supporting LGBT+ young people and young people’s sexual health
  • CRESST – Conflict Resolution Skills Training
  • MESH – Mediation Sheffield
  • NHS (Sexual Health Sheffield)
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • University of Sheffield
  • Sheffield Sexpression
  • Faith Star
  • Sheffield School Nursing
  • DECSY (Development Education Centre South Yorkshire)

Our Maths coverage is considered carefully each year to ensure breadth and depth for learners. Our coverage is as follows:

RSE Policy
