The PFA at Bradfield Dungworth

PFA E-mail address:

Successful Projects from 2024

Dungworth in Bloom

The PFA and the children created an amazing cimmunity event in which we rejuvenated the whole school's plating spaces.


We raised money succesfully to have the Hall redecorated.


Successful Projects from 2023

Historical Timeline

We have finally been able to fully install our new historical timeline. This includes all the periods of history that we study at Bradfield Dungworth together with some key local history dates too. Thanks to parents and carers for their generous donations.

Community Garden

We are also working on our community garden. We have received £2,000 from Bradfield Parish Council together with donations of soil and planters from parents and local businesses. We have cleared 2 trees and are planning to create a wildlife garden in one area. we are also creating raised beds where we can grown fruit and vegetables - anyone from the local community can come and help themselves to the produce we will grow. 

