"Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st Century, computing is an essential skill to learn." - Professor Stephen Hawking
Computing Key Intentions
About our Computing Curriculum
At Bradfield Dungworth we recognsie techbology plays a huge part in modern life and will only become more integral as children grow up. We appreciate that our children's access to technology outside of school varies and we therefore aim to equip every childre to confidently use all forms of technology as well as developing a solid understanding of how computers work. We aim to develop children's perception of technology as a tool for learning, innovation and discover.
Our curriculum aims to embed technology throughout all subjects and allows every pupil a hands on experience of a variety of different hardware and software. Child leave Bradfield Dungworth as confident, able and responsible digital citizens.
The Primary National Curriculum for Computing can be split into 3 strands:
Our Computing coverage is considered carefully each year to ensure breadth and depth for learners. Our coverage is as follows:
Online Safety and Wake Up Wednesday
Every Wednesday, we are going to sharing a Wake Up Wednesday to our parents. For our first one, we wanted to share advice on Social Media Safety Tips. Click here for the information.